SCATTN Animal Tracker
How can you make it easy for researchers to share data across institutions, while still being accessible to the general public?
The Southern California Acoustic Telemetry Tracking Network (SCATTN) is a collaboration of researchers committed to increasing the geographic scope and coverage of marine acoustic telemetry receiver arrays in southern California and promoting the sharing of acoustic transmitter detection data across participating institutions
Working closely with CSULB SharkLab we identified the key target audiences, which were two-fold. There was the public face, which helped with fundraising and general awareness… and the private face - which related to data sharing practices from researchers all along the pacific coast. Persona’s were created, and user-journeys mapped out against their stories to help each group achieve their objectives when using the website.
We had to process massive amounts of data from all the sensors that stretched from Washington State to Baja California. The data needed to be standardized and easily integrated into the website. In addition, there was an education element. There needed to be training for how to maintain the website and database, to accomplish this, documentation was developed and shared amongst all the educational institutions.
So what does that mean? In a nutshell, this website helped researchers all along the pacific coast share valuable animal tracking data for their projects. Prior, this wasn’t easily achieved as there were multiple obstacles to overcome with both the disclosure agreements AND the data parsing.
As a bonus, the site appealed to the community as an educational destination. With informative blogs, beautiful photography and animal dossiers, the site garnered favorable impressions that helped with additional research funding.